Recommended by foreigners
Motorcycle Mechanics, Big Bike Sales, and Custom Shops
永欣重車 (Yong He district, new and used big bike sales and service for all scooters and motorcycles)
永和區中山路一段89號 (02 3233 3338)
皇家經典車業 (Shilin District) He comes highly recommended by a few foreigners. He can speak a little English and is foreigner friendly. He can fix anything.
Roma Wang IPM shop (Zhong He district, Foreigner friendly and speaks English, a custom motorcycle mechanic)
中和區中正路863-1號 (02)8226-7457 Cell phone 0925010055
Ching Tsung Custom Bikes (mainly does custom work and specializes in Harley Davidson
SHIN Metal Works (Zin Zhuang district)
No.585-8, Huacheng Rd., Xinzhuang Dist (0986 911 711)
Motorheart 精工技研 (Taipei City, Custom motorcycle shop/Foreigner Friendly)0223628855
台北市水源路55號 (0223628855)
Sheng Lun 笙綸實業有限公司 (Xin Bei City)
新北市新莊區公園一路15號1樓 (02 8993 6707)
Neihu YSP to that list. Junior Owner is fluent in English. Great skills&service.
No. 73號, Section 3, Chenggong Road, Neihu District, Taipei City, Taiwan 114
+886 2 2793 4893
Unknown Shop name
This guy is great. Super nice, honest, a clean workshop, and very professional.
115 Neijing Street, Wanhua, Taipei, Taiwan.
Mr. Chen's Shop (English speaking and the Lonely Planet recommended him)
Taipei, Roosevelt Rd. Sec. 5 No. 27
SYM Dealer-name unknown (Beitou City, speaks English, foreigner friendly, small mechanic shop)
477 section 2 Wenhua road Bancaio
Shunda (Bei Tou City, Kymco distributor, and exhaust inspection, foreigner friendly and speaks English)
No.206, Sec. 2, Linong St., Beitou Dist., Taipei City 28273761
Mike's Bikes (Zhong Zeng district, fluent English, great mechanic for scooters and motorcycles)
Heping East Road. Sec. 2 Number 34 Zhongzeng District, Taipei. (02) 2337 – 0100 / 0922-780-065
WRRP (Zhong He Disctict) This shop has been around for years and is extremely well knowns. They are also involved in the racing scene here. They make many of their own products like exhaust pipes. They can work on anything and are foreigner friendly.
Yamaha 泰德機車行 (Mu Zha district, mechanic shop and good with 2-strokes, speaks a little English)
臺北市文山區木柵路四段35-5號 (02 2230 0677)
香香炒飯專賣店 (Doesn't speak English, but highly recommended and foreigner friendly)
No. 24號, Section 4, Civic Blvd, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106
+886 2 2775 1021
Parts Distributors/Accessory Shops/Service/Suits and Gear
Parts Distributor (Shilin)
SBK Racing (Taipei City, Custom suits, and gear)
台北市 100 中正區寧波西街 119 號 (02 2337 6921)
Speed-R Taiwan Racing Sports (Gear and Suits)
Yogo Ai Ma優購愛馬機車精品生活館 (Taipei City, Foreigner friendly and speak English, scooter mechanic, performance shop, parts distributor, accessories, gear, service, new big bike sales)
台北市松山區八德路四段472號 (02 8787 3555)
KBN鐵馬堂騎士精品 (Xin Yi district, Foreigner friendly, riding gear, accessories)
No. 60, Xin'an Street, Xinyi District, Taipei City, 110 (02 2732 5488)
Naps 納普司 (Tu Cheng District) Lots of motorcycle accessories and gear.
INMOTO伊摩多二輪休閒部品 (Zhong He District) Lots of motorcycle accessories and gear.
KBN鐵馬堂騎士精品 (Xing Yi District) Lots of motorcycle accessories and gear.
Da Cham Motor Parts 迪世亞(大千)機車精品 (Da Tong district, Parts, accessories, gear, service, new big bike sales. Motorcycle/scooter superstore)
No. 164, Section 2, Chengde Road, Datong District, 103
Motorcycle Mechanics and Custom Shops
CSRT 騎勝技研 (This is also my motorcycle club and probably the best shop in Taoyuan/Zhongli) Zhongli City, Custom motorcycle shop/Foreigner friendly/Limited English, can do anything custom to your bike and can fix any bike you have including red and yellow plates.
桃園市中壢區龍崗路二段384號 (0928068344) (034581113)
Yamaha aka Obama (Don't know the shop name, but this is what we call his shop) Zhongli City, Mechanic Shop/Foreigner friendly/No English
中壢區環中東路712號 (034668116)
AEON 宏佳騰機車_六輪工房 (Taoyuan City, Speaks English, AEON mechanic shop, and dealer)
桃園市文中路271號 (03 370 4567)
Hide Work Custom Shop (Taoyuan City, No English but foreigner friendly, custom motorcycle shop)
桃園市國豐三街189號之一 鐵皮屋後棟 (0989 084 457)
Yamaha aka Paul's Favorite Shop (Taoyuan City, foreigner friendly and apparently can work on many different kinds of motorcycles and scooters.
桃園市桃園區中山路410號 (03-335-6565) (03-332-7792)
BKSPTW (Yangmei has a gem of a mechanic. Jim is a top guy, super diligent and honest.)
Parts Distributors/Accessory Shops/Service/Suits and Gear
Sun Da 順達機車材料行 (Zhongli City, Foreigner friendly and speaks English, parts distributor, accessories, service)
中壢區延平路235號 (034520679)
Mr. RiderApparel Shop 萊特先生騎士部用品館 (Zhongli City, Foreigner friendly, speaks a little English. Sells motorcycle gear and helmets.)
平鎮區義民路177號 (03 492 7902)
Autobike歐多百機車材料行 (Zhongli City, Foreigner friendly, parts, accessories, gear, service, new big bike sales)
桃園縣中壢市環北路581號 (03 433 3232)
Garagesail庫帆 (Taoyuan City, small accessory shop)
桃園市國強一街483 號1F (0932 272 484)
Motorcycle Mechanics and Custom Shops
Located in Hsinchu East District. Not much English, but great mechanic for red, yellow, white plates and scooters. Services all brands and has the emissions check. Family owned business.
SYM 三陽機車_大順車業機車行
No. 412號, Guandong Road, East District, Hsinchu City, 300
03 579 0638
Wei Lun Chong Che Qi Shi Guan偉倫重車騎士館 (Hsinchu City, mechanic shop, accessories, and dealer)
新竹市中華路2段321號 (03 524 1425)
Dylan's Garage 狄倫車坊 新竹 哈雷 (Zhubei, Speaks English, high-end garage, works on big and small bikes)
竹北市環北路五段273號 (0955 520 786)
Motorcycle Mechanics and Custom Shops
東瀛車業 (foreigner friendly, but doesn’t speak much English and seems to do custom work.)
Motorcycle Mechanics and Custom Shops
J-POWER 永豐車業-Foreigner friendly and friends of mine, they have a dyno and can tune bikes. They are involved in the local racing scene and can work on all motorcycles.
艾銳重機 iRay Moto Speed Shop
台中佶輪車業-JLmotor, nice shop, lots of aftermarket parts and CPI parts.
Da Diao MoRacing Club大鳥摩哆 (Taizhong City, repair shop, performance shop, foreigner-friendly)
台中市西屯區朝馬路203-6號 (04-2359-6300)
YAMAHA YSP霧峰伯祥車業 台中市 The main shop owner speaks English and has integrity. He always helps me out and never tries to sell me something I don’t need.
No. 910號, Linsen Road, Wufeng District, Taichung City, 413
04 2332 5586
Speedy Bike 摩速精品輪業 (Repair shop, dealership, speaks English)
台中市北區進化北路304號(永興街口)(04 2233 2282)
展億車業 (Repair shop, he specializes in off road bikes, but he does great work with scooters and small cc bikes too. He is foreigner friendly, but doesn't speak English well. )
大鳥摩哆 (Foreigner friendly, speaks English and repairs large and small bikes.
Yamaha YSP 五結 萬益車業 this shop in Yilan City is awesome. Super knowledgeable staff, fast service, and if you need an English speaker, just ask for Ben. He's great.
宜蘭縣五結鄉五結中路2段17號 (03 950 2173)
蘭聖揚重車俱樂部 (Foreigner friendly, doesn't speak much English, but highly recommended)
Motorcycle Mechanics and Custom Shops
Chuckie’s Motorcycle Shop 飛揚車行 (Service and repair shop, Speaks English and foreigner-friendly)
花蓮市林森路435號 (8321006) (Intersection of Linsen and Mingli Roads in Hualien. 435 Linsen Rd)
YAMAHA 大輪機車行 He doesn't speak English, but a solid guy who knows his stuff.
No. 36號, Section 2, Zhongshan Road, Puli Township, Nantou County, 545
04 9290 2512
Motorcycle Mechanics and Custom Shops
The owner speaks English and is good with all red and yellow plates.
Wanjun Motor萬鈞車業 (Repair shop, performance shop)
No. 759, Section 3, Hai’an Rd, North District, Tainan City, 704 (06 358 8375)
Speed King Motor速皇車業 (Foreigner friendly, speaks a little English)
永康區中山南路43巷23號 Tainan, Taiwan 710
YAMAHA尚宏機車 (Foreigner friendly, recommended by a few people, speaks English)
長榮路四段80號之1 Tainan, Taiwan 704
台南瑞奇車坊 ( (Foreigner friendly, recommended by a few people, speaks English. They service big bikes and aid in financing for foreigners too.)
金輪動力開發有限公司 (Large selection of performance parts and can install them. More of a parts distributor. Foreigner friendly.
Noah's Garage-丞風機車工坊 (Foreigner friendly and speaks a little English)
No. 391號, Zhongshan South Road, Yongkang District, Tainan City, 71088
Two trusty scooter shops (I don't know the names to these two places in Tainan, but both were recommended for foreigners. There are two different addresses.)
Parts Distributors/Accessory Shops/Service/Suits and Gear
Xuan Ma炫馬國際二輪精品 (Feng Shan district, Accessory shop)
高雄市鳳山區青年段路二313號 (0961 155 228)
No. 325, Bo'ai 1st Road, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City, 807
07 315 9447
Imported rider gear has a guy who speaks English. decent prices
Motorcycle Mechanics and Custom Shops
No. 346, Rehe 2nd Street, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City, 807
07 323 0729
The owner speaks English, good mechanic shop
Unknown Name (Kaohsiung City, Speaks English, great honest mechanic, reasonable prices)
台鈴機車(鈴駒車業) (Foreigner friendly and speaks a little English, very experienced mechanic.)
No. 233號, Longde Road, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City, 804
07 552 5714
高雄市鳳山區鳳甲路538號 (830 07 796 2916)
Yamaha heavy motorcycle Flagship store in Kaohsiung, extremely expensive but they take extreme care of your motorcycle unlike some shops.